I'm almost there! I have cut about 15 bags so far into one long continuous strip and I'm chomp'n at the bit to start knitting it. I'm just about done knitting up a sweater (non-plarn) for my son (oooooo plarn rain jacket?!) and then I am going to dive right into knitting something fabulous. I have a ton of yellow and red plastic bags from the Dollar Store near my house and so I think I will probably be producing a lot of yellow and red things. Oh well...those are happy colors aren't they?
Did Walter give you the bag of bags we dropped off Monday night?
He most certainly did! I so want to get down and cutting. But I really need to figure out where I am going to keep my stash cause my side of the room has exploded in projects and it has really gotten out of hand.
Ha! Well... I'm sure Padon would be willing to share some of his space... :D
Whatever! Padon has more things and possibly clothes than I do!
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